Merchant Cash Advance

Loan Amount


Loan Term

1-2 Years

Interest Rate

As Low as 18%

When You Should Consider a Merchant Cash Advance

There are some situations where a merchant cash advance might be the best funding option, like: Businesses with low credit scores Businesses with short time in business Businesses that deal in primarily credit or debit transactions Businesses that need cash quickly, without collateral A merchant cash advance isn’t right for every business owner in every situation. There are some pros and cons to taking funding in the form of a merchant cash advance that are important to consider.

A merchant cash advance allows you to borrow against future earnings to access that capital today. Merchant cash advances are funded much more quickly than other forms of financing, making it a lifesaver for businesses in need of fast access to financing. A merchant cash advance is a form of funding that offers businesses quick access to funds by borrowing against the money they will make. That borrowed money is then repaid with a portion of daily or weekly sales. How a Merchant Cash Advance Works? A merchant cash advance, or business cash advance, allows a business to borrow against its future earnings. Businesses can get $5,000 to $200,000 in funding with a merchant cash advance that is then paid back over months or sometimes up to two years with daily or weekly payments. Unlike other business loans, collateral is not typically required to start a merchant cash advance, which means you can receive funds in as little as 24 hours.

Online credit calculator



Annual Interest Rate




  • 12+ months time in business
  • Monthly revenue $10K+
  • Credit score 580+
  • 51% + Ownership


  • Delinquencies and/or default on previous loans
  • Outstanding liens
  • Bankruptcies or foreclosures in the last 3 years
  • Restricted industry
  • Restricted industry

Current Merchant Cash Advance loans

The application process for a merchant cash advance is easy and quick. You’ll need the materials mentioned above and then you’ll have to submit your application. Once that’s done you’ll likely hear back about funding within 24 hours and have access to funds shortly after.

Loan Amount $5,000-200,000

Loan Term Up to 2 Years

Time to Funds As Soon as 24 Hours

Interest Rate As Low as 18%

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